Carestream Earns Coveted Award for Best System Performance

Survey Respondents Cite Service & Software Excellence

ROCHESTER, N.Y. —Carestream Health has earned IMV’s ServiceTrak Award for Best System Performance in General X-ray. This award represents Carestream’s high scores from customers in the areas of overall system performance, ease of use, and image quality.

“We are honored and excited to be recognized by our customers and build on last year’s achievement,” said Kendall Ryerson, Vice President, North American Sales at Carestream. “This award helps validate our commitment to delivering reliable, innovative solutions that can drive quantitative improvements in medical imaging.”

Research findings reveal Carestream received the highest percentage of highly satisfied responses in 3 key attributes: service follow-up, software system ease of use, and image quality meeting expectations. Additionally, Carestream’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) has been on an uptrend since 2021. This important metric correlates to customer repurchase intentions and has a causative effect on revenue and market share gains.

IMV  produces the proprietary ServiceTrak reports based on extensive online surveys or phone interviews with radiology professionals in U.S. hospitals and non-hospital locations from IMV’s master database of general radiology X-ray system locations.

“This positive feedback from our customers should provide the added confidence for imaging providers to trust Carestream to deliver solutions that not only help deliver more value but offer the peace of mind to focus on what matters: their patients,” said Ms. Ryerson.

IMV, part of Science and Medicine Group, the leading market research and business intelligence provider to the laboratory diagnostic industry, recently  published the category winners  of the 2023 IMV ServiceTrak Imaging Awards.


About IMV

IMV  produces an annual series of proprietary ServiceTrak™ Imaging reports derived from extensive phone interviews with imaging professionals in hospital departments and independent imaging centers in the U.S. Satisfaction ratings are collected on a 10-point scale, in which 10 = “excellent” and 1 = “very poor.” Report analysis is based on the percentage of highly satisfied (%HS) responses that are represented by satisfaction ratings of a 9 or 10 on this scale. The 2023 ServiceTrak Imaging Awards are based on interviews conducted with respondents in 2,843 imaging locations having 7,634 systems. Visit .

About Carestream Health

Carestream is a worldwide provider of medical imaging systems; X-ray imaging systems for non-destructive testing; and precision contract coating services for a wide range of industrial, medical, electronic and other applications—all backed by a global service and support network. For more information about the company’s broad portfolio of products, solutions and services, please contact your Carestream representative or call 1-888-777-2072 or visit .

CARESTREAM is a trademark of Carestream Health.

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